I've been lying lazily in this same posture for the past 50 minutes watching amusedly the antics of my roomy. She has been in front of the mirror for the past 45 minutes or so…(please note that this is her second rendezvous with Mr. mirror today, having had a similar but a lengthier session earlier in the morning, when I was just taking my first few winks of the day). My other roomy having gone for some practice much earlier, i was left alone as this roomy's sole make-up-commentator(Sheesh! just my luck!!). Got tired replying to her never ending "How do I look?"(What can I say?),"Is this necklace too gaudy"(How do I know??),"Is this 3 inch long red stone studded ear-ring too much?"(did she really expect me to be honest with her???)"Does this hairstyle suit me or that?"(lol...who's she asking to? me eh? me who chops off my hair every now and then not knowing what to do with it!!)
Pfft!! thought that I was done with the viva session in the morning itself.But I was wrong ...
there comes another volley of questions...Oh no! not again! Why me??"Can you put the eyeliner
for me?"..Oh No!I'm getting outa here.....
"You will understand it when you get a guy"...Miss know-it-all+have-experienced-it-all starts off her 'how-to-be-a-good-gf-exhortation'!"Wait and see when you get a guy, and you go out with him, you will be doing the same thing"...
Ya right! I close my eyes; a faint smile plays somewhere around my lips... Ya right; you can say that again....
PS:to my roomy if u ever happen to read this...I chumma posted this here.. I was running out of topics for blog.. and couldn't help it watching you doing the same stuff for all 3 days...No harm/insult intended k?? Cheers! :D
well said, girlfriend! :D may we never fall to the levels of hitched people :D
yay!kudoos :D
I could so imagine you in those last couple of lines. Typically you. :D
you know me.. ;)
pakshe aarkum ariyilalo...
nigoodamaya kure satyaangal ..
:P :P ??!
first timer here.. its gud and funny... ur friend shud read this..
welcome to my blah blahs!..and thanx
No way...she shudnt read this...im dreading that...gona be my roomy for the next wholeyear too..(gulp!)
haveta see the luk on ur face wen she reads this.. well orkut led me here to this blog.. and its neat and to the point.. do add posts more often...
am not looking forward to that...
n gee thnx:D
but my blog is gona go into low activity mode-end sems approaching :(
i jus wanna see d luk on ur face wen ur roomie chases u wid sandal in 1 hand..[:P]
@ziddi too
am not looking forward to that...
n that wont happen either...she's not much of a blog lover,jus her guy lover:P!! :D
ahem...enthanavo aa sathyangal?!!:P
check this link.. for more help, u can take help from a regular music blogger
da...nee aall kollalo! i understand exactly wat u feel n u kno y!!! ;-)
da...nee aall kollalo! i understand exactly wat u feel n u kno y!!! ;-)
ya i know am gud ennu..:P
and of course i can understand y u can understand me...ppl in the same boat ;)
Hi Neethu,
Reminds me of college days ;)
oh!am honoured again indeed! :D
EVEN I WAS GONNA DO THE SAME..but was planning to askyua b4 adding ur link in mine... ;)so am addingya too k?
hey nice to cya here...love ur blog!it has been a blessing many a time!!:D
@nimmi add on...
btw..nice to cya here after a looooong tym
@ziddi add on...
jus in case if i sense sthg sort of what you said is gonna happen, i'll hide all the footwares in my roon:P
you are tagged.....
Hey first time here.... Good one.
Ha Ha... Poor guy...
welcome to my blah blah n or blahs..
and ya thanx.. :D
hehe lol...thnx!!!:D
n congrats for your discovery ;)
Funny enough to provide for a laugh in the boring exam nights :)
gudluck for ur xams..me too in the midst of end sems :(
oh btw...u stay up till 3:14 am n study??cool ;)
Nytouts is an nitc way of life ;)
oh ya!realised that somtyme bac during my first year...voila.. http://neethu-blah.blogspot.com/2007/04/nite-outs.html
btw..dint realize that u are an nitian too..(else would have avoided that last line) ;)
chk out this too http://questbeyondeternity.blogspot.com/2008/04/night-out.html
exactly an yr aftr ur post i assume... ;)
well......no comments......am in th sam boat u kno......n nimishhaa........et tu?!!!!!
hehe..lol...hi5 to ya nimmi...
hmm..ya..history repeats itself..:D
btw..whats ur name?
so glad to cya after a long long tym..:)
awesome post pal..keep postin des good ones..
gee thnx pal!!!:D
lol...good one!!!!
mayb sum gals who work overtime gets blessed with attitude.....nice 2 knw d inside story....
hope u know wat gals with attitude means,so i just inferred that those girls who spend lots of time in front of mirrors eventually 2 find dat guys dun e1 care 4 dos shit develops attitude out of frustration.
its always nice wen sum1 tells u wat happens inside a gals hostel,n dun temme u dun giv a damn 2 wat happens in d boys hostel
hope its clear n i feel embarassed readin this....so betta delete it aftr reading
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