February 07:
This was the day which witnessed the commencement of the comedy of errors(COE) of 2 naïve, inexperienced yet greedy chinkys in an attempt to outsmart the biggest ever M3(Money Minded Monkey) of all- S M kutty. The leading characters of this COE are….Resh and Nee;S M kutty, G2 Nair and of course AB.
With the newly developed M2 idea we went to class as usual. In class we were racking our brains away as unusual. Ya right, it was tronics class, no wrong we weren’t thinking about those opamps and amplifiers…..in our brains we were brewing M. we were waiting, with bated breath, to unleash our M making plans.
ie to buy cards from kutty at half the price and sell it for full price……(well this idea too was given by the M3 kutty himself).
As step 1, Resh went and told Kutty about our desire to buy the cards. He wanted the exact number of cards we needed, which I told him later while he was about to leave the class, after ‘n’ number of vain attempts to catch his eyes. We needed four cards. He agreed to it as usual without even looking at the face.
Break time: we went to the coffee shop for refreshments; but our M2 minds were racking away restlessly. Well this racking thing did bear fruit this time…at least that’s what we thought for the time being. As if God-sent, AB came along the way…(AB and God-sent?????)…we painfully endured his
chalus and
kathis and hopeless mouth looking for quite some time---all for greater benefits. We even had to tell him the names of the girls in C batch--- each and every one of them. But no that wasn’t the ulti….the ulti was when he asked the name of a 4th year girl(name withheld for privacy)---“
ini 4th yrine nokiyillennu veendallo”……. Slowly after moments of painful endurance we began implementing our plans on him. After a hectic session of compelling, bargaining and pleading he finally agreed to buy 6 white cards for Rs 8 each….Bingo!!!
Profit=(6 *(8-5))=18 Rs just from AB. Hmmm….not a bad way to start. But the funniest part was that we asked AB to send 3 of the 6 cards to us!
Now what are we waiting for??? Next stop @ Kutty. He was literally taken aback when we said we needed 10 cards, despite of his futile attempts to hide his surprise. He asked for the cash then and there…but as we are not
potties..we agreed to pay only after he hands over the cards.
Meanwhile parallel to this, another plot was going on with the 2nd lead character of this COE. Ya it's G2 Nair—he was literally pleading with resh to buy some cards from him, but at full price. Why do we M3-in-the-making need cards from him @ full price when we already have cards from kutty @ half the price?? We merely turned down his offer .We came back to our hostel, elated. Wow! what a state of bliss we were in when we came to know we would be making a total profit of
Profit=(6 *(8-5)+5 *2)=28 Rs
That night we were supposed to have a sleep filled with $dreams…..but naaaa….that doesn’t happen with us….we are sound sleepers…nothing can interrupt our sleep. We slept soundly enough….but not enough to wake up our roomies though.
Time goes on…….
February 08:At LAN: Reenz had dragged me along with her to the LAN to create a civil-blog for debutant. Our LH CC as usual was out of order-- when we wanted it the most. So here I was…sitting in front of the computer…surfing the web aimlessly for some 'Promethean'(blog) stuff. Then I pinged Kutty. Ok so coming to the LAN wasn’t a total waste after all. At least I could remind him to bring the cards the next day itself. I casually asked him whether he had the cards ready. No ----was his answer….” You are kidding right?”. No he wasn’t. Don’t tell me that our
kashtapettu budhimutti implemented plans are going down the drains…..no way!!! I couldn’t wait to get to Resh….
I made a dash to the LH, to the mess where Resh was. I broke the
idivettu news to her. She couldn’t digest the news nor the food she was eating… her(our) very first of the M making plans was going to
poliyify….no.. no way!! To reconfirm the news Resh smsed Kutty….(imagine Resh wasting an sms…..the case must be pretty serious). Soon came his reply. “I’m sorry”….sorry
mannankatta…. little does he know the plight we are in!!!
‘Your sorrows will be turned to joy’,says the Bible. Will our case be like… ‘your profit will be turned to loss’?????? will our
Profit=(6 *(8-5)+5 *2)=28 Rs be turned into
Loss =6 *(10-8)=12 Rs????? wait and see……
Time goes on again…….
We planned to launch a no talking motion against Kutty….. ….but however the next day he explained his stand to us….he simply didn’t have any cards left with him what is he to do? Hmmmm….
chathichenkil chathichu….. we are supposed to face such unforeseen situations in a business. Ok so we now have to think of other means….and fast… feb 14 was closing on us….we have to keep our word to AB and Deepthi. AB had entrusted us to write the cards for ourselves and to post them. He left for his home. Deepthi badly needed 4 cards. We had prevented her from buying it from others.
As if God-sent there came AB’s call………(AB and God-sent again??????). He was trying to remove himself from this card business. Finally we made him agree to reduce the no of cards but to buy them at full price. Bingo!!...he agreed. Ok now problems are a bit reduced. We at least came to break even. No loss ; no profit…
thadikedakathe nokiyalmathi ini…. But from where are we supposed to get the 6 cards we need?
Ok only one more way….call G2 Nair…..call the very person whose offer we turned down a few days back!!
Gathi kettal puli pullum thinnule?karyam kanan kazuthakkalum pidikkande??? What followed, must be the most embarrassing phone call that was ever recorded in the history of phone calls….. poor Resh pleading with G2 to sell the cards at a reduced price---her last attempt at making this business a profitable one…..How long the conversation lasted….I’ll tell you when the phone bill comes…but even after minutes of persuasion….unswayed as ever he is, G2 didn’t concede to our demand.
Deal made. We are gonna buy 6 cards from G2 at full price, and sell it at the same. When one door opens…another closes itself. So what’s the problem now??? Well…G2 is not in town…he’s gone to TVM to get his arm dragon tattooed@@@???and he’s got the key of his cupboard which contains our precious cards. Oh no! can things get any worse??? Ok…every problem has a solution with it…so does this one. All right so now what is to be done?? Break the lock. Didn’t work. Good lock….which ever company it was of. So now what?? Find somebody with extra cards…..
After hours of painful search we finally got one Mr Antony. Whoever he is, he had the cards. Our last hope……….a meeting was arranged at the ATM. We were supposed to meet this guy at 5 pm Friday the…....no not 13th…Friday the 9 th. As usual in all of our COEs….when the guy finally makes the appearance only one of us will be left behind…this time it was Resh. I had to go to the placement thingy… the guy came..not at the appointed time though…he was a bit late…but we finally got our 6 cards. Valentines day did not become our wallet emptying day after all!Phew!
Wah! That was some tale of 6 cards!!!..
A word to kutty:
ne thanneyada the greatest M3 of all!!! :P