Ask me which is the class I’ll miss the most next year….I’ll say…PC. Ask me which is the most important of all the first year classes….I’ll say…PC. Ask me which is the class that provides both information and entertainment at the same time…. I’ll say…PC. Ask me which is the most idiotic of all classes…. I’ll say again…undoubtedly its PC ---ED(engineering drawing)being a close competitor though. Ask me….arey that’s enough of asking…now read on…
Ok, so what is this PC all about??? Well I guess it supposedly stands for Professional Communication---the one and only course which equips a budding engineer with the required communication and interaction skills which will fetch him/her an easy campus placement, GRE, CAT..and what not!!!
Whatever it is supposed to stand for and whatever its purpose of existence may be, I’ll say that it’s an indispensable part of our academic course… I mean…how else could we have managed to cope up with the rest of the btech courses??
For those non-NITians who happen to read this, let me explain…well this PC class of ours, because of its uniqueness, is not conducted in any normal classrooms. We have this ‘Bhaskara hall’ exclusively allocated for this subject. It’s kind of a seminar hall which accommodates two of our batches together, where we have these types of chairs with wooden writing boards attached to it--- these writing boards can be conveniently used, either for resting sleepy heads, or as scratch pads to scribble on- just in case you forgot to bring paper to play ‘cows n bulls’, or hey… it can even be used to keep your PC books on and write... in case you happen to bring your PC book…that is if you have a PC book at all!!!lol!
Making you thus acquainted with the settings of this much renowned class, let me move on to the actual classes…
The very first of our PC classes witnessed us, innocent-minds, racing for the front row, in order to facilitate the better perception and reception of the ‘great man’ and his even ‘greater lectures’…However, as the classes progressed, we were still racing…but this time it was for the back rows. Our translocation from the front rows to the back rows was so apparent, so strikingly notable that our ‘great man’ finally said “Sorry for the inconvenience… by next sem we’ll make arrangements for the extension of the hall further backwards”.
A quick inspection of the entire class reveals a wide variety of different facial expressions---the dumbstruck face of the one who cannot get either head or tail of what the proff is trying to achieve by his classes; the utterly bored face which seem to scream out-“yea dil mangee NO MORE of PCs”; the highly tensed face of the one who is unsure whether he/she will be able to finish off the next period’s assignment within this one hour; the exuberant face of the one who has just won a cows n bulls game; the invisible face of the one who has already crashed on the writing board---the place is just apt for anyone who is interested in researching on the diversity in human countenance.
Well, nothing would have been possible without our great ol’man. He is a real sport(er…irony intended). But it is really sad that none of us, including myself fail to recognise ‘aa full-sleevinullile kalakaaran’. But one thing I do appreciate is his attempt at making humour which hits the bulls-eye with a probability of about 0.01--- but sometimes it does hit--- he often advises his class, not to give more than one proxy for the same person –something which happens very often especially in his classes –and to wake up atleast during the attendance session –something which seldom happens.
Talking about PCs….now I understand the reason for my pathetic performance during the 2nd sem…….hmmm…
No PCs => No time to complete assignments and tutorials => No time to get proper sleep => No source of entertainment to refresh my poor lil’brain => Reduction in efficiency => poor output => Low gpa.
Yup!...now I got it!!that’s why…hmmm…and all this while I have been blaming myself...poor me…
Gud ol’PCs…. miss you soo much…[,’)]
ssooo truu man!!!....idu vayichittu pazhe karyangal orthu poyi...bout hw much i actually slept in clas....bout hw everyday v wud go 1 row behind......n hw i wud finish my assignmnts n hws.......ur rite da...no wonder i did bad this sem!!!....... :P
hehehe gud works btw...keep blogin!!
wow! u and racing for th last benches? i hav gt to see tht!!
stud inference towards th end though! hats off! :P
so true gurl! i wuz sittin' n' readin' ur blog n' cudnt stop myself fm laughing...wich brought wierd luks fm my sis who wuz sittin' in the same room
ur suggestion dat our PC clas wud be an ideal place 2 study human countenance wuz classic!!!
n' i really did miss PC clasz...n' nw i kno why i did worse in the 2nd sem.
hey good one there...!!!
ROFL! Nice one there! Usually the sir repeats in the same jokes for every batch, but not that one... about extending the class backwards!! Had me in splits :D
Found this page from google... Are you in S4, neethu?
NO!i passed-yay!in s5 now..:P
u a juni??
and thnx!!!wow google gave you this? gr8!:D
naa... i passed too.. so i'm also in s5... hmm. That means we both are in the same year huh? :P
And yea, google led me to this blog. I think i was searching for 'gpa' or something .. LOL don't quite remember why!!
oh dint know the existence of another harresh in our batch...the one i knew is no longer inthe nit sphere...jumped to iit...so..u in which branch?place?
and u r trying to find the meaning of gpa nw?lol!and gee...that lead you to my blog?...hehe:D
Yea that's quite natural u wouldn't know about me, that's bcoz i've never spoken to u!... It's strange thou bcoz we have so many mutual friends in orkut.. i've added you as a friend there.:)
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