Around 262 months back(ie. 1048 weeks to be precise), an army of Spermies entered the territory of Ms. Eggy. One brave li’l Spermy, fighting against all odds, succeeded in conquering Ms. Eggy, and so was I conceived!

Days passed and months passed; and my mommy kept growing fatter and fatter( so much so that the docs even thought that she was gonna have twins)
. After days of practicing kung fu and martial arts inside my comfy abode, I was forced to come into this world(harsh, wicked and cruel). My cries of protest was mistakenly taken as a ‘good omen’ by the docs, as they started shaking and spanking me(yea, I was already subjected to the brutality of the world!)

Days passed and months passed yet again; and I kept growing and growing…(er…though the process wasn’t really a fast paced one!
) And today, here I am, turning 21 –though some think that I’ve got the units and tens placed mixed up!(How rude!)

Alright! Disclaimer: I do not have a growth retardation nor do I have any genetic disorder –though some people think so. If anybody thinks so, all I have to tell them is that, I was just grooming myself for doing the ‘Santoor’ Ad
. (But only that ...um…now they might give me the role of the girl who comes running, calling “MUMMY!”

And one heck of a B’day did I have today. No, I did not have a B’day blast. But I did indeed have a nice day spending time with my loved ones and reflecting on the wonderful life that God has given me, and the ways in which He has led me throughout 

“For you created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother’s womb
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful,
I know that fully well.”
-Psalms 139:14
I got a domain, MY OWN DOMAIN! all for myself. Thank you so much Mr Red Pill! I seriously never thought that you were serious about the gift!

Thank you MultiMamma, for the ‘BLAH’sphemy! I was expecting a post from you, but you gave me a whole blog. Wow!

Happy Birthday, dear! :)
Hope you loved the domain! :-D
Lol, at the sperm and eggy part! :P
hey kewl post..
Happy 21 da :)
Good luck with the domain too :)
take care... cheers...
Belated wishes :)
Own domain....and that calls for a party :D a double one ;)
Growth retardation or is it the syndrome of Benjamin Button :D
I am gonna sue for writing mu7ltimaama on the web.. Wait and see what happens!! :(((((((((((
che...hw bad dat i missed it.....bt 2 b honest i dint 4get d day-i dint knw dat aug 12th s yo bday in d 1st place
neways belated bday wishes n may god bless u
btw cool post-d 1st couple f paras wer just as innovative as it cud get
cant but envy u for d gifts u receivd
i know its late.. nyway congrats on turning 21
loved ur writing :-)
thanku hari:D...loved it so much!!ll cherish the gift forever...(as long as u keep paying fr the domain evry yr:P....hehe..kidding;)
take care:)
thnx :)
nah...am growing older only...(sigh!)
ooooh!should i be scared?:O...:P
gee thnx.GBU too!;)
@amal bose
Let me know when your Santoor ad is out ..!
yea sure!:P
Yipee!!you share your b'de with my mom :D
Super-belated happy b'de!!!!
wow..cool!...apparently i share bday with Pete Sampras and Dominique Swain too ;)
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