Those of you who had read my previous post, didn’t you feel that I needed a break (well atleast I did…infact I was yearning for one), and looks like even God did. And so did I receive my break that was rightly due. Two whole weeks free from classes, assignments and deadlines of what-so-ever form. Two blissful weeks at home, where I can sleep round the clock, oblivious to all the cares in the world; hog on, as and when and what I want; watch ‘n’ number of movies in the lappy;……the list goes on. The only hitch being that, I have to do all this in isolation(Ah!as if I care!). Yea, certain maladies can come in handy at times. Chicken pox rox!
Hope you are feeling much better now... talk to ya later.. take care... cheers...
so how do u kno arv?? CP rocks..!! :p so does u babes.. :)
take care coz I care... :)
lool.. chicknpox.. wat an answer to ur prayers..
ha ha lol :D our 2nd yr v had a chicken run of poxes...unfortunately we didnt get any hols :(...;)
@arv feelin muchh better,save for the confinement-to-my-room-part
think i knew him b4 u did:P
there was this group chat org by
yea.....sometimes God's answers are better than our prayers :)
guess wat?i ve got sessionals the day after :(
Lol, congrats!! :-)
Get well soon?
Please delete my blog's link from your blogroll and add mine once more so that my feeds will get updated in your blog. Please do it asap! :D
Take care .. Get well soon ... Didn't know about it , though you're just a block away !!
hey long tym! and thnx
all the best for your xams too:)
:) Thanks s d spirit
hp u r fine
oh yea!am fyn alright!:D...xcept that am back to the buzy schedules...:|
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