Damn it! Blame it all on the darned end sems! I forgot my blog’s very first B’Day. Argh! The B(log)day happened to fall on the same day that my exams got over, which also happened to be the day I started my value education project which was to be due on the next day. In that hungama I didn’t even get time to think about my blog, let alone remember that it was it’s B’day :(
Hmm..looking back, it was Devil who persuaded me to start blogging. And guess what? Persuasion did succeed and my Blah Blah Blah was conceived and took birth almost at the same time. Being the lazy blogger that I am, I have blogged now and then, about this and that…
I looked back to the early days when I joined college and was reminded about God’s wonderful provision. I reflected that “He has made everything beautiful in its time”.
During my 2nd sem, I got a chance to fly to Dubai. But what awaited me there made me wonder whether the movie The Terminal was being re-enacted right before me and that I had somehow donned the role of Tom Hanks!!
The lovers’ month however subtle and romantic it maybe for lovers, to crazy and me, it turned out to be A Valentine's Day Commedy of errors.......I grew up and I learned to take Nite-outs!!!Yay! I’m a big college girl now 8)
Then came a period of lul in which no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t write!! As I investigated further into the matter, I found out that my muse had run away and I wasn’t able to blog anymore until one fine day when finally, my Muse decided to Return!
The Gud ol’PC classes came back to my mind, and I realized how much I missed them(don’t fail to notice the irony intended ;)...Then I thought of sharing with you, some tips On mopping the floor-out of first hand experience from yours truly ;)
Though I had come a long way in life, I still hadn't learned a certain few things…
The Game continued, and I got tagged for the first time, which I took out of sheer joblessness…Then came a period of life in which I began to wonder ‘Am I invisible or what’???
I jotted down some Musings on the new-year eve, to bid adieu to the year that was ebbing away. Days flew by and I grew more mature; I understood that it’s important to Learn to say 'NO'....to many things in life.
The FranaB Series, became the first of my serious series writing (Still haven’t updated it though :P)I couldn’t help writing about Ragam '08, which gave us a break from the hectic, mundane and not to mention boring academics.
I started thinking about the opposite sex, and noted down certain of my observations as to what a girl can do, All for a guy?!!..for which my comment box puffed up to a whooping 36(and still counting)..All thanks to my darling roomy, who’s still oblivious of the existence of such a post describing her antics…
I wanted to spruce up my blog’s appearance and I managed to put some widgets-the clock being the very first one. I made sure that each post of mine has a related picture in it. Google Image search has never let me down thus far. The photos on the left hand side of the blog are those taken by yours truly with her trusted k750i:) My fella bloggers and my blog readers and my commentators just keeps on increasing day by day!! Boy am I so glad to know that :D
Guess what’s gone by was a pretty small, but eventful year for my blog! Wishing my blog many happy years to come…:)
PS to Devil:your post wasnt copy-righted right?:P
I didn't know that there is birthday celebrations for blog too ;)
well now you know...:D
happy birthday to the blog....:-)
may u live long and be blessed with good material from ur mistress,may she treat u well and may u reap her rewards too...
das like wishin a blog a very happy birthday...
awesome... way to go.. next month, my blog celebrates its first year
THE BOOK SHELF THINGY-NICE..mines gotta long long way to go actly./..
tot neeths was the pen name :D
Yappy B'day...
Jus read the request on the header ;)
gee thnx!wonderful bday wish that was!
ps:n my mistress is one sweet darling lazy bum.ask ker too keep blogging...:P
-blah! blah! blah!
uhg oh!ur blog is younger than mine?sheesh what an insult!!!
oh yeah!u guessed it right;)
@nikhil narayanan
danku..u r so kind!:P
haha.. chronic writer blog is younger than yours.. but my other blogs are older than yours by three years... :-)
first things first..
here's a pen name for you..
plucky's a cute one naa?
there,i saved u all that thinking
next..i dunno abt copyrighting but i sure wish u spell checked ure blog..
cos then u wudnt have "whised" anything for ur blog :)
thirdly i am sorry about this but i jus had some pentup evil nd dint manage to use it on the one who deserved it d most,and poor ol u had so happily put up the link to ur blog..:P
oh other blogS?as in blog with a suffix ‘S’?that’s gr8!m m having a hard time managing 1 blog..nyways gimme the linkS pls….
Firstly, lemme chuck that brilliant idea of yours…u n ur plucky..grrr…
Secondly, ya thnx..ll keep that in mind….
Thirdly, huh??< bulbing >
Fourthly, How Rude! You said all these and dint even bother to wish my blog H Bday
Fifthly, kya.. ithnee der thak tumne blogging shuroo nahi kiya?u hav already delayed it by more than 1 year….
The hangama after the endsems :P :P
well am a lil weak in hindi...forgive me...nyway thnx...corrected it nw...
Being from tvm was obvious frm my profile :D
and ur headless post stl hasnt appeared? :-?
wow wats tht live traffic thingy?
whosz in jaipur? :P
so wer s our treat for the bdayy ?
Woah. Am I late? :D
I shall sue you, little girl.
Oh yeah, and I whis Blah blah blah a very happy birthday. Of course, after I sue you and your Blah blah blah you won't feel like celebrating anything. Loud evil laugh.
nice blog u ha ve going on here.. dint know there were so many bloggers in nitc.. apparently the community is much bigger than i think it is..
keep blogging!
oops!mustve overlukd dat...
and that post..sthg got wrong with its damn html codes..and am having a tough time correcting it..ll take some more time b4 posting..
well the world is changing day by day..new things come old things go...
some makri from jaipur i guess...:P
still inaudible though :P
yea! thnx :D
time for your next blog neethu
eee..i know...just got a lil lazzzyyyyyyy...;)
Hello. And Bye.
yes... thank you for this style.
@anony 1
hello and bye 2u2
@anony 2
i duno wthr u are the same anonymous guy or not...but anyways...you are welcome!
divestment cannot researching east injection techdis eliminated bergakademie tacoma arisen cipr
lolikneri havaqatsu
i truthfully love your writing kind, very interesting,
don't quit and keep creating for the reason that it just simply very well worth to follow it,
impatient to look at way more of your current posts, goodbye ;)
Genial post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
Good post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
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