Saturday, March 22, 2008

13. The FranaB Series

Variety, they say, is the spice of life. When God created man on earth, he made each of them different-unique in their own way...But the 21st century witnessed a creation that can be classified as THE MOST eccentric, THE MOST nutty, THE MOST erratic, THE MOST..... er… ran out of words...hang on lemme get the thesaurus......yep gotcha....THE MOST queer, THE MOST outlandish, THE MOST enigmatic of all the contemporary creations. This unique specie's present whereabouts have reportedly been located in a far far away land in a corner of the great indian sub-contontinent in an instituion near 'kattangal metropolitan' named NIT...
Well if you are now thinking that I'm talking about myself, then you are wrong...why would I be bitching about myself?? Ok, now that doesn’t imply that I'm bitching about this female under discussion either. So without much ado, let me introduce to you all Ms Frana aka FranaB..
Name: Frana James Pampackal

FranaB, as she is more popularly known,(the B supposedly stands for 'buji'…However, it has also been alleged that the B also stands for a particular person in our own NITC itself(hmmm?)..Whatever the truth maybe…Ah who cares what the truth is…So where was I???Yeah so as her name clearly says, she is one heck of a buji, but a weird one mind you…Her passions are many -needles to say WEIRD too- ranging from sleeping, bunking classes, scoring high GPAs, making long duration STD calls, dancing with teddy bears, killing people with unending sessions about black holes and the origin of the universe blah blahs….Poor female has the unique ability of becoming the victim to people's pranks, each one in itself will make a separate blog post which I will be describing in detail in my subsequent posts. The Bang on the head, The april fool's day incident, and the much famed Radio Mango being just the tip of the huge iceberg that the exploits of FranaB is…

A character more difficult to understand , you wouldn’t find. She is this nutto who scored an S in dynamics(the course notorious for awarding scores of students with back paper), in which majority of the lot,including yours truly barely managed to scrape through, at the same time she nearly got a back in ED due to attendance shortage…Aint the dudette weird?? this becoming more like one of those testimonilas from orkut?If so, well, I dun care… :P

Okay, guess its time to wind up. Cya around later for more updates on the Frana unplugged series..(that is if yours truly doesn’t get murdered by the subject under discussion…she can turn violent at times…(gulp!))

PS:special thanks to Anu for the caricature... ;)


frans said...

no comments... :|

frans said...
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Leela said...

Ooh! Interesting.
What made you start this?
I hope you are alive.
I hope she spared you without too much damage.

JiNeSH said...

blakk holzz?? woaa!
intro duce me to her wilyaa? :P :D
ps : seriously

Neethu said...

yup sure why not??
voila her id < read between the lines >

Neethu said...

@jiesh (add on to previous)
ps: seriously only...:P

Anonymous said...

there are a few dames in my work place who bitch about others for an change.. they go to a third graded level..this was nice though

Neethu said...

wow compliment for bitching!!!gee thnx ;)

Neethu said...

yeay m still alive :D

frans said...

darlin start writin my biography tooo....................

Neethu said...

oh yeah franab...ll do..provided i get paid :P

Unknown said...

wwaahhh!!!!.......this is unfair!......fraannaa even if th whol world turns against u...i luv u my rumie!!!

(sooryy neeths......but shes my rumie next yr 2 ya kno! ;) )

Neethu said...

oh ya i kno...not everyone gets to b so lucky as to get a roomy like her...:p

Nikhil Menon said...

awesome one..real fun readin this...
she musb pretty famous in the blogosphere now i ges...