Joining NITC was like one of the seven wonders of the world. Alright….considering my acad performance till 10th , it can be said that it was no big deal at all…but my 11th and 12th witnessed….hmmm….what can I say….one of the worst dip in my acads. And after writing the jee ’06, like what someone(Anupam)said…the “IIT….IIT…IIT…” chant turned to “at least NIT…NIT…NIT….” So it was indeed a miracle---me getting into NIT. No I didn’t get a branch that I opted for….but still…...
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” declares the Lord “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways And my thoughts than your thoughts.”
So believing I started my professional course in NITC.
One year at NIT got over so fast... so quick! But the one year was packed…jam packed with ‘n’ number of activities and events.4 sessionals,2 end sems, Sangam, tech fest, Thatva, dandiya night, LH farewell, Campus trek, debutant, hostel week, adrenaline, LH get-together, innumerable musical nights…and to top it all..Ragam---NOKIA Ragam 07...Gosh……so many!!!
Though there had been a few highs and many lows…on reflecting the past one year…there definitely had been God’s guidance throughout। First sem acads wasn’t that bad। Went pretty well… got a not-so-bad gpa। But the second sem was pathetic… Simply pathetic (still dreading the results) :(
One good thing that happened during the 2nd sem was, we got a bunch of believers….the EU…ever united, where there are true dedicated people who stands for the Word. We are now one big happy family.
Life in the hostel too is great!--- hostel life is not all that bad…though there is room…or rather there are many rooms for dissatisfaction here and there; now and then…we form one great bunch … Got a handful of great friends…who have successfully…or rather is in the process of successfully converting the introvert that I was …or rather I still am….. into an extrovert. Thanku guys!! :)
And one word about my dear sibling too…life in 1st yr would have been miserable without him. Gosh the number of things he had done for me!!! Its not that great…. but still…….paying my mess bill, buying stuffs for me from kattangal, taking lib books for me, carrying heavy books from LH to lib in his cycle, accompanying me to the church, therivilikifying me and making me feel miserable after each sessionals(his favourite quote being……. “I got full for mech n tronics..and u barely scraped thru huh??)………. the list doesn’t go on very much..but still……. I am wondering how am gonna survive the next 3 yrs without him….love you so much dear bro…(vikru..kooduhtal ponganda keto…)
The classes are as usual….having all the elementary qualifications of typical coll classes. Bunking, listening to class very attentively with eyes closed, proxies(for classes as well as for tests),the frequent ringing of mobile phones in class, the professors' incomprehensible, and often senseless, boring blah blah blah….. etc..etc…and outside the classrooms ….well its treats, treats and more treats!!!
Exams are real headaches…...a real pain.We'd be enjoying life peacefully in the ‘serene’ atmosphere of the campus, when all of a sudden these unnecessary elements crop up…creating havoc and disaster…wrecking many innocent lives---at least that’s what we feel like. The exam week witnesses a series of night-outs---which apparently is another name for sleeping on the table with books used as pillows…. It’s the time when we become Colombuses and Galelios, discovering new new chapters hidden deep in the pages of big fat books …it’s the time or rather the only time when our Computer center has a momentary respite from the innumerable ‘orkuttians’. …it’s the time when we keep repeating to ourselves a hundred times---“mein aisa kyun hum????”
Hmmm…. Now that was a few highlights from my first year in NIT…..but that’s not even 1/10th of the whole thing…..now 3 more years to come….. what might be in store for us??? k……will wait and see :)
hey chinky.. nice to see u here!! nice start.. looking forward to read more of that shtud English u r so good at!!
oh ant by the way.. its mein aisa kyun hun.. not hum! :D your hindi toh as hopeless as ever!!
thx chinky.....but for u..i wouldnt hav done it...
neeths.......... really gr8........ just keeping on laughing wen i picturised ur "card event"........gud english...........go on update new reports ....always awaiting 2 n'joy reading such fantastic things..................
glad to have inspired ya!! :)
Everyday That Goez By It Seemz Like I Discover Somethíng New about You It'z Incredíble To know that you are really creative and have got a lot of ideas that can inspire someone like me who is 24 X 7 thinking only about work How One Per§on Can Make Such A *BIG* Dífference you have shown me that yo can do it in a A Way No One Else Ever Haz And Gíve Me So Many Reasonz To just tell that YOU ARE MA FRND" kepp rockin man
Glad to hear that...garfield...:D
hm..........lif @ nitc huh?? true man....!!!!!
hey neets,....so tru!!...but yea 1st yr was awesum....2 bad its over....n tht was 1 hilarious account of life at nitc...waitin 2 read more of it...u go gal!!
hey thnx anju...ya man ....1st yr was fun...but..quite glad its ovr also :)
hey...! i like this part of ur blog the best...wat u've said is so true, n the way u've said it is expressive...! waitin for more!
heya! good blog.. realy hard to maintain it i guez??!
Mops!! never thought a word of the mop u see in ur everyday life can be a good subject of such remarkable explanations...Good work.!.... The broom flights of the witches now faded to dirty cleaning has its own story a lot to tell..............
The perfect idea of bringing the Muse and The Om krim of Mayavi enlightens the dark area of the very much forgotten dear dear LUTTAPPI fighting his way with his SHOOLAM hehehe really miss those days of happy reading........ but to say i have got one already with a big shoolam .....and a cute little tail hehe
gr8 work garfield :D.....really nice blog
geee..thnx ji... :)
Really commentable!!
The small thoughts of a small wonder walking through the sand filled shores of the long beach getting a feeling of the saline water in midst of the activities of catching the crabs hiding in the their really sweet homes.....
Mentioning the journey in a small rubber raft crusing through the waves of 1ST YEAR really memorable the rough sea and change of the raft is soon to occur......heheh........ really bad weather and hurdles in voyage will hit you like the waves hitting boulders ..... good enough to smoothen them as you go till 8SEM ....keep on the good work more of study and less of bunking .........end JUST CHILL AND ROCK NIT
so wat was in store for u ?!! :P
assuming that u r who i think u r...well...u know what was in store for me...:P:P
well wen somethin dissatisfying happens its so cool dat v always find somethin in d bible which predicted it long bak.........somethin which finally satisfies u...
one f dose posts wer u said a lot f things & left a lot mor unsaid
Interesting posts !
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