Do you know what tops the list of the world's ten most overrated things? Do you know what’s the world’s longest book/novel(which apparently contains the world’s longest word, sentence, poem and drama!Woah!!!)? Do you know the next gen name for ‘BLOG’, which is likely to replace the term ‘BLOG’ in the near future? Do you know, what is the most searched topic for a book, in the Amazon.com?

PS: Lachoo, that was an appetizing treat to me! Would make up for your never-ending leg-pulling

Thnks @ lot shorty... ur adulations are accepted with complete n sincere gratification... hope u gt well soon n v strt our leg pulling duels again...:)
get well soon...
god blessya
take care
@iceman(what a name????)
Brace urself...I ll b back veeery soon 8-)
btw...wow!u finally commented:O :P ;)
Good to hear that you are doing well now.. take care da.. cheers...
In the boring office days with not much of a work its only blahing your way to the evening and finding the ways to blah around :D ;-)
hehe... and wat a finding during the vaccine time.. took a bath? blah blah>?
blah??? the world's gone nuts I say.. :p
Get bak soon nee.. :)
i'll say the world's going blah;)
thanx arv:)
i know...blah rocks:P
yup...tuk bath,finally!:D
blah blah!!
Blah indeed.
L Iyer deseves a Phd
n damn ,u ve got 3 Blahs n u ve done justice 2 dat ;)
nah...he's already taken a Phd in Blah...all thanx to me:P
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