* For the 20 questions that have been asked, write down your honest answer (in a few words).
* Type your answers, one by one, on an exactly-as-written-on-paper basis, in the search bar of any image search engine that you prefer (Flickr / Google Image Search etc.).
* You
* For every answer, only from the FIRST page of the search result, save exactly ONE image.
* Once you have a list of 20 images, each corresponding to one answer, compose a post in line with this post that you are reading right now.
I tag: Hari, Crazy, Lx, Multiboy, Chrony
1. My age:

2. I am passionate about:

The Living Word!
3. My favorite place:

4. I have a thing for:

5. My comfort zone:(read relief zone)

6. My favorite animal:

7. My kind of art:

8. The town where I was brought up:

9. The town where I live:

10. A past pet:

11. A past love:

12. Current love:

13. Best friend's nickname:

14. I want:

15. Screen name:

16. A bad habit:

17. A dream:

18. First job:

19. I miss:

20. What am I doing right now:

hey wow.. awesome pics u put there for each tag.. nice post..
i loved alll the pics.. they convey the right ideas.. and the one abt calicut, i dint know there was a place and signboard like that that shows exactly where vasco-de-gama landed..
yeh!! "woa" super duper pics !~!
you dint get the title thing right ? sad .. :|
what is santa getting garf for xmas?
-mach'ne gun joe
@hari vishnu
hey thnx:D
ya..even i din know "there was a place and signboard like that that shows exactly where vasco-de-gama landed.."....but apparently google knew;)
@mach'ne gun joe(weird names you come up with!!!:O)
yap got the title thingy right...thanks fr the technical support:D
dint u see the red cap?(oops!did i make leele a santa?:P)
hey nee..col one..nice pics tho the taggin part ll take quite a bit for I got many pending.. :(
collection porallo... :P
k...take your time..;)
ariyaaam...thnx for helping:P
Wow! Awesome tag! Thanks a BUNCH for tagging me. I doubt whether i'd be able to take it soon, though. :(
Awesome set of pics too... You googled for them? ;) Looks like most of them are copyrighted. So beware! :-P hehe!
The BEST Pic: Comfort Zone! ;)
(Was that supposed to be a joke? Lol!)
Btw, i'm writing this comment from my mobile! BSNL GPRS rocks!
wow gud pics...
cant but say the tvm pic s really misleading
aha!y so?come and see for yourself!...God's own TVM!:P
i studied at Tvm for 3 years....so I know how beautiful it is...it seems u ve never been 2 Cochin
Someone hasn't replied to my comment! :|
sorry Hari....
dunno ...somehow left u:(...ya thnx for the comment:)...hmm even i doubt some of em are copyrighted;)....hope they dun sue me for it(gulp)...
yea...i know BSNL rocks:D
oh when and which school?
and btw..er...i think ther was a misunderstanding somwhr...i said tvm is gr8(didu say the same???)..and yea..have been to cochin a coupla times as well...hmm..ya nice place too:P
well is studied at sainik school for 3 years...dats frm ma 6th to 8th...
n der ws no misunderstanding...i did'nt mean d same....tvm is nt user friendly n dats probably bcoz i ve been born n brot up at cochin n dat again s just my point f view
Nice pics. The smileys invoke the necessary smiles.
Hugs for #13!
And honestly, twenteen! LOL!
@hari vishnu: Its near Kappad Beach, its the exact place where VASCO DA GAMA landed.....
@ Neethu : Hey good collection of pics...
Oh!really?:O...i havent been to kaapad yet:(
and yea thnx!:)
Kappad is good beach for a weekend or a friday evening if you have no labs... nothing much but you need a vehicle to go there.. so you people might will have to get 10 people and a taxi ;).so may be a saturday just go and come back... got one more year na.. should go there... Place of historical Importance.. thats all.. otherwise just a beach
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